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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

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We now offer patients hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) which is cleared by the FDA for home and office use. Medicare and Insurances do not pay but patients are often thrilled to have this treatment modality available here in Ventura and often are willing to pay out of pocket. For over 60 years this therapy has been used for medical ailments requiring more oxygen to heal.


To our knowledge, we are the only clinic in this area with this therapy.


Our HBOT chamber is comfortable. The patient can sit or stand; read, eat/drink and use their smart phone or computer. Treatments last 50 minutes then 10 minutes to decompress.


Pure Oxygen by mask during the treatment is forced throughout the body and brain by the 1.3 atmospheres of pressure (equivalent to 11 feet under water). This hyperbaric oxygen is very safe with no risk of bends or embolism and, therefore, approved by the FDA.


Treatments are $125 per one-hour session or $1,500 for 15 treatments (15 sessions).


Medical ailments that require more oxygen to heal:

  • Anti-Aging

  • Autism

  • Cerebral palsy

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Crohn's Disease

  • Diabetes

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Insomnia

  • Lyme's Disease

  • Migraines

  • Neuropathy

  • Pain

  • Parkinsonism

  • Regional Pain Syndrome

  • Seizures

  • Spinal Cord Injury

  • Sports Recovery

  • Stroke

  • Traumatic Brain Injury

How does HBOT work?


Hyperoxygenation - Increased oxygen in blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid increases oxygen to damaged tissues, stimulating healing.


Neovascularization - Stimulates blood vessel angiogenesis and connective tissue formation in areas starved for oxygen.


Hyperoxia - enhances antimicrobial activity. Reduces toxic substances by increasing tissue oxygen levels.


Enhances Immune Response – Activates white cells to fight infection, stimulates mitochondria, reduces inflammation and oxidative stress.

How does Hyperbaric Oxygen help? Acute Conditions


Most medical problems are due to inflammation. Hyperbaric oxygen combats inflammation by decreasing oxygen free radicals which, in turn, decreases swelling and compression of blood vessels. This increases blood flow and oxygenation. You might think this would worsen the injury, but, in fact, everything improves with immediate treatment for diving accidents, miscellaneous, CVAs and all acute injuries. This phenomenon is called, "The Oxygen Paradox".


Recommended Reading


Dr. Emery highly recommends the following 3 books if you wish to be better informed:


  • Oxygen Revolution - 3rd Edition - 2016, Paul March, MDThe

  • The Hyperbaric Chamber - Nina Subbotina, MD

  • Stroke: Recovery with Oxygen - Polly Houston

Chronic Conditions


Latent injured cells (not dead ones) are regenerated with HBOT (low pressure is just as good as high pressure.) Patients with old strokes, heart attacks and other organ injuries often recover partially or fully. These chronic wounds (low blood and oxygen supply) respond with new blood vessel growth and then the damaged cells start to function more normally. This requires daily hyperbaric oxygen (one hour) for usually 40 treatments to achieve lasting results; sometimes repetitive treatments are necessary. The goal is to dramatically improve quality of life.

Healing Dives 60” Vertical Chamber


This chamber accommodates 2 seated adults and includes 1 top window and 1 eye-level window. Our "mild HBOT" Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy chamber runs at 1.3 ATA with room air (equivalent to 11 feet below water level). Inside, the patient sits comfortably breathing 95% oxygen by mask. You can read, listen to music, meditate or use a computer for the 60-minute treatment. With room air you have .3 ml of 02 per 100 ml of blood. With Mild HBOT (1.3 atmospheres) plus breathing pure 02 per mask you receive about 3.0 ml of O2 per 100 ml of blood. Ten times as much! This dissolves into your plasma, cerebral fluid and tissues.



Our "mild HBOT" Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber runs at 1.3 ATA with room air (equivalent to 11 feet below water level). Inside, the patient sits comfortably breathing 95% oxygen by mask. He/she can read, listen to music or use a computer for the 50-minute treatment.


Hard HBOT uses a chamber at higher pressures, usually 1.5 ATA and above. These are available in wound centers. Pressures up to 3-to-5 ATA are sometimes used.


Hard HBOT with 100% oxygen results in greater oxygen saturation in tissues. But, "... in all clinical trials to date, there has been virtually no difference in clinical outcomes between mild HBOT with room air and 02 mask at 95% oxygen and hard HBOT with 100% oxygen." There are over 30,000 published scientific studies on HBOT.


If the patient's diagnosis and medical condition allows for insurance coverage, it is a no-brainer to use the wound center. But, if the diagnosis does not allow for insurance, the mild HBOT is an excellent choice.

What is the standard treatment protocol?


The initial treatment protocol is usually 40 sessions, 60 minutes each, up to 4 to 5 per week.

What is the cost?


Hard HBOT is usually $250 per session. Mild HBOT is usually $150 per session with an oxygen concentrator. The cost for 40 mild HBOT sessions: $4,000.00

Is HBOT safe?


HBOT is extremely safe. The common but mild problem is the clearing of ears. The chamber is room air and cannot support fire; therefore, electrical devices can be used inside. Breathing oxygen eliminates nitrogen buildup in the body; therefore, no risk of "bends".

What is a treatment like?


After clearing your ears, you can sit up, sleep, drink beverages, listen to music or watch videos.

What conditions are treated with Hard HBOT and mild HBOT?


Hard HBOT is FDA approved to treat air embolism, carbon monoxide poisoning, crush injury, bends, radiation injury, diabetic leg/foot ulcers, necrotizing tissue infections, grafts and burns.

Soft HBOT treatments are considered off-label uses. These soft-HBOT treatments are commonplace in Europe, Asia and Russia. Because these treatments are off-label in the US, insurance companies and Medicare do not reimburse, thereby saving them lots of dollars. This, of course, is encouraged by Big Pharma.

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